Terms and conditions

Only Czech text is valid

for the sale of goods through the online store located at the website
Basic provisions

These terms and conditions pursuant to Section 1751 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the “Civil Code”), as amended, govern the mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties arising from a purchase contract concluded between the seller and a natural person.
They do not apply to cases where the person intending to purchase goods from the seller is a legal entity or a person who, when ordering goods, acts within the scope of his business activity or within the scope of his independent professional activity
The terms and conditions may be changed by the seller, which does not change the rights and obligations arising under the previous wording.


Hilar Babůrek
contact details:
email: dbaburekfoto@seznam.cz
Tel. +420 778 726 458
(hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”)

Information about goods and prices

Information about goods, including the prices of individual goods and their main characteristics, are listed for individual goods in the online store catalog. The prices of goods are listed including all related fees and costs for returning goods, if these goods cannot be returned by regular mail due to their nature. The prices of goods remain valid for the period during which they are displayed in the online store. This provision does not exclude the conclusion of a purchase contract under individually agreed terms.
All presentation of goods placed in the online store catalog is of an informative nature and the seller is not obliged to conclude a purchase contract regarding these goods.
Shipping is free.

Order, conclusion of a purchase contract

The presentation of goods placed in the web interface of the store is of an informative nature and the seller is not obliged to conclude a purchase contract regarding these goods.
The online store interface contains information about the price of the goods, the price of shipping and packaging.
The prices of the goods are not adjusted to the person of the buyer by the process of automatic decision-making. This does not affect the seller’s right to conclude a purchase contract with individually agreed terms.
To place an order, the buyer fills out the order form. When placing an order, the buyer selects the goods, the number of goods, the method of payment and delivery.
Before sending the order, the buyer is allowed to check and change the data entered in the order. The buyer sends the order to the seller by clicking on the I order with payment obligation button. The data specified in the order are considered correct by the seller. The condition for the validity of the order is the completion of all mandatory data in the order form and the buyer’s confirmation that he has read these terms and conditions.
After receiving the order, the seller will send the buyer a confirmation of receipt of the order to the email address that the buyer entered when ordering. This confirmation is automatic and is not considered to be the conclusion of a contract. The current terms and conditions of the seller are attached to the confirmation. The purchase contract is concluded only after the seller has accepted the order. Notification of acceptance of the order is delivered to the buyer’s email address. The relationship between the seller and the buyer arises upon delivery of the order acceptance (acceptance), which is sent by the seller to the buyer by email to the buyer’s email address.
In the event that there is an obvious technical error on the part of the seller when indicating the price of the goods in the online store or during the ordering process, the seller is not obliged to deliver the goods to the buyer at this clearly incorrect price, even if the buyer has been sent an automatic confirmation of receipt of the order according to these terms and conditions. The seller informs the buyer of the error without undue delay and sends the buyer an amended offer to his email address. The amended offer is considered a new draft of the purchase contract and the purchase contract is concluded in such a case by confirmation of acceptance by the buyer to the seller’s email address.

Payment terms and delivery of goods

The buyer can pay the price of the goods and any costs associated with the delivery of the goods according to the purchase contract in the following ways:
a) cashless
b) cash upon personal collection at the store
Along with the purchase price, the buyer is obliged to pay the seller the costs associated with packaging and delivery of the goods in the agreed amount. Unless otherwise expressly stated below, the purchase price also means the costs associated with the delivery of the goods.
In the case of payment in cash, the purchase price is payable upon receipt of the goods. In the case of non-cash payment, the purchase price is payable within 3 days of the conclusion of the purchase contract.
In the case of non-cash payment, the buyer’s obligation to pay the purchase price is fulfilled at the moment the relevant amount is credited to the seller’s bank account.
The seller does not require any advance payment or other similar payment from the buyer. Payment of the purchase price before the goods are shipped is not an advance payment.
According to the Sales Registration Act, the seller is obliged to issue a receipt to the buyer. At the same time, he is obliged to register the received sales with the tax administrator online, in the event of a technical failure, no later than